Academic Programme

Language Science (LScie-grad) - Master's level

Specialisations: Language Science
Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


Language science is the study of the human cognitive faculty that underlies our capacity to produce and understand an unlimited number of novel sentences, thereby allowing us to form and communicate an unlimited number of thoughts. En savoir plus

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General information

- Entry: 2024/2025
- Duration: 2 years
- Place: Nantes
- Langue: English
Version française



Language science is the study of the human cognitive faculty that underlies our capacity to produce and understand an unlimited number of novel sentences, thereby allowing us to form and communicate an unlimited number of thoughts. The Language Science (LScie-Grad) programme provides students with state-of-the-art knowledge, training and skills that will enable them to carry out interdisciplinary research aimed at questions such as the following : How are we to model the mental representations and cognitive mechanisms at play in the production, comprehension and perception of language?  What properties of natural languages are specific to the human language faculty, and what properties are also at work in other cognitive domains such as thought and reasoning, mathematical thinking, vision, causal perception, memory, and motor control? How can we reconcile the striking diversity of natural languages with the uniformity of the neuronal and cognitive bases underlying the human capacity to speak and understand languages? Is this diversity, as it is pervasively reflected in the 6000 to 7000 languages of the world spoken today, constrained or random?  Why is it that despite the magnitude of this diversity, any typically developing child is capable of acquiring any possible human language, and even several languages ​​simultaneously, no matter how different they may be?  How does the language capacity develop in children acquiring their native language(s)?

The LScie-Grad programme will provide students with research opportunities, and an international environment, that will connect them to cutting edge interdisciplinary research across:

  • different fields and disciplines investigating natural language: linguistics, philosophy (of language and mind), experimental psychology / psycholinguistics, neuro-psychology / neurolinguistics, computational linguistics;
  • different levels of linguistic analysis: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics,  pragmatics, and their interfaces;
  • different populations: adults, children, first/second language speakers, heritage language speakers, multilingual speakers, speakers with language impairments…

Why would you choose the graduate programme Language Science ?

  • The teaching philosophy of LScie-Grad is to combine the approach characteristic of the best of the humanities – an approach that fosters critical thinking while intensively pursuing the advancement of knowledge  – with the skills and method-oriented models known from the hard sciences (life sciences and computer science in particular).
  • While offering an expertise in the core areas of language science – phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics  – LScie-Grad is original in that it combines formal linguistics with the insights, objectives and methodologies of field linguistics and of research in experimental linguistics.
  • Students will acquire the knowledge and the methodological tools necessary for theoretical and experimental investigations of a wide variety of languages of the world (including languages that are endangered and/or understudied) as well as phenomena involving a wide variety of populations of speakers.
  • Students will be trained to carry out collaborative research via personalized coaching and mentoring, encouragement of student joint projects, and co-advising arrangements that bring together senior and junior faculty.
  • Students will have the opportunity to develop original research very early on, in particular by participating in different research projects led by faculty members (including funded projects with outside research centers, via internships and international mobility opportunities).
LScie-Grad will build on our existing international academic networks (including collaborations with Leiden University, Groningen University, University of the Basque Country, Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft–Berlin, Edinburgh University, Milano-Bicocca University, University of Geneva, The Arctic University of Norway, Queen Mary University of  London).



Formation(s) requise(s)

Applicants must have completed a degree in at least one field linked to the interdisciplinary study of language: e.g. linguistics, anthropology, philosophy, logic and mathematics, psychology, cognitive science, computer science, and must demonstrate interest in natural language and human cognition.

Language requirement

  • English  : the applicants must fulfill one of the following conditions:
  1. B2 score or equivalent (TOEIC, TOEFL)
  2. Have graduated from an English-speaking university
  3. Interview in English (and provide a writing sample in English)
  • Working knowledge of a language other than English/French is an asset.


Modalités de candidature

Selection: file examination

Application procedure for the 2023-2024 academic year

For students who do not live in France and do not have French nationality:

  • Countries that are part of the Campus France procedure, please note that the inscription will be opened from 1st October to 31st December of the year before the entry year. (Ex: Inscription period from 01/10/2023 to 31/01/2024 for the entry date on 01/09/2024). For more information please access to these links: or Nantes Université – CEF procedure
  • Countries that do not use the Campus France procedure (including EU countries), please follow our VAEE procedure.

For students who have French nationality or resident in France, please follow Candidature en Master

Documents required :

  1. A CV written in English or French
  2. A statement of purpose written in English or French
  3. 2 recommendation letters
  4. Academic transcripts
  5. At least one writing sample in English (e.g., a research paper or other written work that need not be about linguistics but that should demonstrate the ability to address research questions)
  6. A research summary and/or project. Applicants are especially encouraged to give a concrete example of how they would pursue a research inquiry: What is my  research question?  What is the context that makes this question worth pursuing?  How will I go about developing a strategy/program to answer it? What would be the next step(s)?


Students can enter the programme either at the Master level or at the PhD level. Students who have successfully completed the first two years will obtain a Master’s degree in Language Science.  They can then  either pursue new career paths or, after proposing a research project at the PhD level, continue in the LScie-Grad programme.

Master 1

  • Phonology and Phonetic (introduction or advanced)
  • Syntax and Semantics (introduction or advanced)
  • 4 Disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses among:
Semestre 1
  • Experimental Linguistics: phonology and phonetics
  • Experimental Linguistics: structure and meaning
  • Topics in Linguistics: phonology and phonetics
  • Topics in Linguistics: structure and meaning
  • Psycholinguistics and acquisition
  • Philosophy of mind
  • Philosophy of science
Semestre 2
  • Comparative linguistics
  • Field linguistics
  • Interface and cognition
  • Trends in linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Linguistics and philosophy
  • Philosophy of language
  • Direct studies
  • Methods in linguistics
  • Internship
  • Winter/Summer school

Master 2

  • 5 disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses among:
Semestre 1
  • Experimental Linguistics: phonology and phonetics
  • Experimental Linguistics: structure and meaning
  • Topics in Linguistics: phonology and phonetics
  • Topics in Linguistics: structure and meaning
  • Psycholinguistics and acquisition
  • Philosophy of mind
  • Philosophy of science
Semestre 2
  • Comparative linguistics
  • Field linguistics
  • Interface and cognition
  • Trends in linguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Linguistics and philosophy
  • Philosophy of language
  • Direct studies
  • Methods in linguistics
  • Internship
  • Winter/Summer school

Et après ?

Niveau de sortie


Compétences visées

The LScie-Grad two-year Master program will provide you with:

  • advanced knowledge and necessary practical and theoretical skills to conduct state-of-the-art research in Language Science
  • empirical, experimental, statistical, and computational methodology for collecting, analyzing and interpreting multi-disciplinary data
  • training in scientific abstraction and model-building, in particular formalization and modeling of natural language phenomena
  • hands-on experience in working in international collaborative research environments

Career opportunities

Professional opportunities at the end of LScie-Grad:

  • Research and higher education: academic career (lecturer, professor, researcher); researcher or research engineer in a public/private research unit/laboratory.
  • Language industry: products and services based on AI,  automatic language processing, word/sentence parsing, data analysis, currently booming fields;
  • Elearning-training industry, elearning and serious games, but also training in scientific methodology (exploration, (in)validation of hypotheses) for both adults and children;
  • Health: speech and language therapy; speech pathology, language disorders (diagnostics, evaluation, remediation) …
  • Tech and computer industries: automated translation, parsing and (neural) machine translation,speech recognition, linguistic processing of monolingual/multilingual/non-native/foreign-accented speech, speech synthesis, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, computer-mediated language learning, computer language coding, …
  • Language and education: language acquisition/learning, bilingual/translation/learning/cognition, multilingualism and public policies (development and assessment) , …

Poursuites d'études

After two years of Master's, you will have a choice between developing your own career or pursuing a research project at the PhD level.

For more information about our PhD graduate programme, please follow the link

Mis à jour le 26 février 2025.